
The reason one writes isn't the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say. F. Scott Fitzgerald

Thursday, July 30, 2009

quoting maximum ride

Poem By Max- Quote from The Final Warning, Book Four of the Maximum Ride Series.

White is the color of little bunnies with pink noses.
White is the color of fluffy clouds cluffing their way across the sky.
White is the color of soft-serve ice cream in a cone.
White is the color of angels' wings and Angel's wings.
White is the color of brand-new ankle socks fresh out of the bag.
White is the color of crisp sheets in schmancy hotels.
White is the color of every last freaking, gol-danged thing you see for endless miles and miles if you happen to be in Antarctica trying to save the world, which now you aren't so sure youcan do because you feel like if you see any more whiteness-- Wonder Bread, someone's underwear, teeth-- you will completely and totally lose you ever-lovin' mind and wind up pushing a grocery cart full of empty cans around New York City, muttering to yourself.

By Maximum Ride, The Final Warning Book Four of the Maximum Ride Series.
This book in now way belongs to me and is the writing and property of author James Patterson.

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